Unlike large agencies, we will not try to meet every need. Our small firm offers expertise. We specialize in our target languages, English and Spanish, inside and out.
This category includes any type of regular translation services. In its broadest sense, a free-style translation includes websites, user manuals, instructions leaflets, internal notes, medical documents, financial reports, minutes of proceedings, company annual reports, financial statements, financial contracts, and so forth. These documents share the distinction of being for a specific and limited target audience.
Technical and specialized translations are also included here, which require a deeper knowledge of the specialized terminology used in the sector of the source text.
Literary translations require the translator to render the semantic content of the original text, along with the rhythm, meter and other elements of style.
A sworn translation differs from a regular translation service, as it contains a header that details the type of document at hand, where and when the translator translated the document and the language combination. The document will also have a footer with a signature and stamp, as well as a declaration attesting to the correctness of the translation on the date issued.
These type of translations are usually required in certifications or legal purposes. Examples include documents that refer to civil status, such as certificates of birth, marriage or death, diplomas, and legal extracts, among others.
Every member of our team has been authorized by Guatemala's Ministry of Education to issue sworn translations.
Although these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, they are two different services.
Copywriting is about convincing people that they have a need we can resolve in ways that the audience understands and appreciates. When hired to copy-write we will use writing to sell or persuade. This may mean that we will write a script to sell a product, but it might also be used to persuade consumers on thinking differently or to take an action.
Editing refers to reviewing content to assess and correct spelling, grammar, and in some cases, factual accuracy.
Interpreting is the process of converting the message of a spoken language into another language, orally.
It is used in many instances, such as business meetings, interviews, and court proceedings. The current tendency is to hold and interpret meetings remotely, through a digital platform. We can assist you with this process.
There are different modes of interpreting that are used depending on the situation: consecutive, bilateral, simultaneous and whispered, to name a few.